Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vote No on a Big Urban Jail

1 comment:

  1. This is the central issue - a urban jail. If you believe all the info put out by the Justice Center Committee saying we are going to see a flood of new inmates, then why would build a big jail (designed to get bigger) in the center of Houghton??? I personally do believe we have a need in Houghton County to upgrade our Jail, Sheriff's office and District Court. I just do not like the solution offered to Voters on November 2, because it includes a big urban jail. Kitwen is a better place for such a facility.

    Plan B involves remodeling Kitwen to create a Regional Jail that can also be used to generate income from boarding inmates from other counties. Plan B would also include a scaled down courthouse annex (or whatever you want to call it) that would include both courts and a law enforcement center.

    Vote No on the Justice Center to get to Plan B.
