Saturday, October 16, 2010

No Prison in Houghton - graphic

Looking for a little more 'oomph' with your opposition to a large, expensive, centrally located 'Justice Center' in Houghton? Chris Schmidt has created a striking graphic for our grassroots cause. Please feel free to spread it far and wide.


  1. Just to keep the record straight, they are not trying to build a "Prison", but rather a "County Jail". They are very different animals. A County Jail only holds felons until they are sentenced, then they do go to a Prison (like Baraga). The graphic would be more correct and maybe more useful if instead of "Prison" it said something like "Big Urban Jail"

  2. The local "bad actors" that get sentenced to less than a year serve their sentence in a County Jail. The Justice Center Committee says that the State is planning to change its sentencing guidelines so that we would have to keep them for longer times like say up to 2 years. Remember the characters that make a stupid mistake or two are in and out of the County Jail pretty quick - a matter of weeks of months. The really bad actors have to be housed for much longer. I say house them out at Kitwen.
