Monday, October 18, 2010

Report of the Justice Center Study Committee

Read the Sept 4th study by the Justice Center Study Committee with photos by Bill Fink here:

The report contains the Assignment, the Current Situation, Concerns, and The Alternatives. It would be nice to have a full, unbiased "pro" and "con" list for each option but alas... Mandatory reading regardless of your stance on the issue. Please review and distribute.

Houghton County Justice Center Conceptual Perspective
Justice Center Conceptual Site Plan
Justice Center Proposed Site - Aerial View


  1. My first impression when looking at this sketch of the proposed Justice Center, is that it is not compatible with the historic courthouse (regardless of how many times they say it is). It is a rectangular box with awnings (yes awnings in the UP) and does not compliment the courthouse.

    The second impression looking at the site plan is the size of the proposed footprint compared to the courthouse. This thing would be huge - 50,000 SF (about the size of a small Walmart store). And since it is build for efficient expansion, it is a question of when it will occupy the full 2 city blocks, not if it will

  2. Glad I do not own a home in that neighborhood, what will that do to the property values? and why do we need 110 beds? did we suddenly get a huge crime wave that I missed? Recycle camp Kitwin and save some money!
