Thursday, October 21, 2010

Justice Center too much - a letter to the editor

Justice Center too much
POSTED: October 21, 2010

To the editor:

After reading the article in the Oct. 19 paper, one would have to wonder if our local commissioners are thinking with their heads or taxpayers' dollars.

First, from the pictures that were posted in the paper it appears that our old jail is being neglected and not maintained properly. A can of paint and a brush(es) and an inmate assigned for this detail, would certainly put a new light on this situation and cost probably around $200 dollars, including a new toilet.

Secondly, about safety to the public etc., this could easily be taken care of by putting in video conferencing equipment in the jail and court house, there is no reason an inmate on arraignments has to be brought in the court room for this. One deputy could easily handle numerous arraignments from the safety of the jail, while keeping the inmate locked up.

Attorneys can also walk over to the jail and interview their clients in the jail not in the hallways of the court. It's convenient for the judge and attorney to have them in court. Really, the only time an inmate has to go to court is for a formal trial or to plead on criminal charges and sentencings, usually in Circuit Court.

Thirdly, upgrading according to the honorable Judge Wisti who commented on the Schoolcraft jail. Hmm. $50,000 to bring their jail up to Michigan standards. Houghton County Jail is at least twice the size of the Schoolcraft jail. Hmm. $100,000 maybe to bring it up to standard. (Cheaper than $15 million). (Where is it written that our jail has to be five-star quality?)

A second floor could be built above the original jail to house citizens who break the law. Cheaper than $15 million? You bet. Camp Kitwin could also be upgraded for a lot less than $15 million.

Remember, the bigger the county jail, the more staff, food, heat, electricity, up-keep, etc., will be needed and that equals more taxes down the road.

Let's face it, it sounds like our local government is following the foot steps of our big spenders in Washington. They talk like a million or billion dollars is chump change. Just let the taxpayers take care of it. The way the economy is, we need a new jail like we need a new debt.

Laura Kinnunen
Atlantic Mine


  1. Letters to the Editor
    > Community News > Letters to the Editor
    Rate increases across the ballot
    POSTED: October 26, 2010
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    To the editor:

    I find it ironic that there have been several letters to the editor protesting a new Justice Center, and there have been no letters protesting UPPCO's rate increase. The new Justice Center would only cost the average homeowner $34 per year, while the UPPCO increase will cost the average homeowner $17 per month or $204 per year.

    I truly believe we need a new Justice Center, and I personally would be more than happy to pay more on my tax bill for it. The old building is horribly outdated and needs to be replaced with a much safer one.

    I think the people should start protesting the electric rate increase and begin supporting a new Justice Center.

    I also find intriguing that Rep. Mike Lahti is the only politician who wrote in to the MPSC protesting UPPCO's rate increase.

    Paul Perreault

    Lake Linden

  2. Apples & Oranges... Not a good letter of support I'm afraid. There are better arguments actually.
