Thursday, July 1, 2010

Letter to the editor - Daily Mining Gazette

Good letter, except the size of the proposed jail is 110 beds, not the 80 beds that was recommended by their consultants. Even the 80 bed figure was arrived at using cherry-picked data to exaggerate the future need.


  1. George: the bed count in the proposed facility is 80 beds, not 110. 80 beds are an increase from the existing 54 beds presently in the jail and at the work camp, projected to give Houghton County the right mix of bed types to meet our needs over the next 30 years.

    Please review the Sourcebook on the county website to learn more about how the 80 bed figure was determined, based on professional advice and a projection of county demographics and criminal justice needs over the next 30 years.

    I believe the preferred alternative is the least expensive way to meet the present and future criminal justice needs of Houghton County.

    I appreciate the blog, and look forward to a continuing, factual, informed discussion about this important issue.

    Bill Fink

  2. page 17 of the "Sourcebook" number 10B - Total Beds add up to 110 not 80.

  3. My mistake; please put some mustard on my crow! The confusion I've suffered arises from the fact that the main part of the jail will have 80 beds, and the work release portion will have 30 beds. So, yes indeed, we are talking about 110 total beds, just about double our present number of 54. Thanks for helping me get this straight in my mind.

    Bill Fink

  4. You people have been informed and told that a jail out of the city limits would be put a real strain on the sheriff department and county budget. The best option is at the vacant lots next to the courthouse which the county already owns. The new jail would not even look like a traditional jail and would be better fitting for the community then the current old looking style jail. I personally grew up three blocks from the old jail and I cannot remember one instance where there was a problem in our neighborhood. The new jail will be more secure and less invasive then the old one. The new jail will have underground parking and inmate intake where the public will never see any inmates coming and going from the jail. Now the neighbors see the inmates coming and going from the police cars a great deal of the time. Just face it people... The jail is going where the county plans it next to the courthouse. You can vote in November and make your voice heard then.
