Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Houghton residents protest new justice center

TV-6 - FOX-UP - MARQUETTE -- A group of Houghton residents have been fighting the new plans for a justice center from the beginning and it doesn't look like they're giving up anytime soon.

Tuesday night the Houghton county board of commissioners voted three to one in favor of putting the $15 million bond issue to a vote on the November ballot.

The decision came after more than an hour of protests from a roomful of mostly Houghton residents.

"I think people agree that there's a need and realize their responsibility to meet that need but there's a lot of disagreement over the solution that's been proposed. I believe the voters will turn it down," said George Dewey, Houghton resident.

"We've exhaustedly looked at options and tried to consider what was realistic and functional for the needs of the facility," said Barry Fink, Study Committee Co-chair.

The proposed justice center will include a 110-bed jail and work camp, the sheriff's office and district court.

Full story:

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