Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Concerned Citizens of Houghton County

Please remember to attend the Houghton County Board of Commissioners meeting tonight, July 13 at 5PM (not 5:30), fifth floor of the Houghton County Courthouse.

The commissioners plan to vote on the jail proposal this Tuesday. Based on my conversations with many friends and acquaintances over the last month or so, it is clear that there is strong opposition to the proposed plan to build a 50,000 Ft2 Jail complex in Central Houghton. The proposed project is even larger than was recommended by their own consultants. The one reason that they would excessively overbuild (and make plans for future expansion) is to aspire to serve as a regional jail. I really dislike the idea of a jail that could eventually occupy two entire city blocks!!

Express your opposition to building a big regional jail in Central Houghton (visible from downtown). Why should Houghton County tax payers pay for a regional facility?

There are open periods at the beginning and end of the County Commissioners meeting for people to speak up. Please attend even if you don't want to speak up.


  1. Most of you people who have homes around the current jail bought them after the jail was there so what are you complaining about? You knew the current jail was there and didn't have a problem buying a house then so what is the difference if the county builds another jail one block over? Your property taxes will hardbly be increased and over time will go down. So what is the big issue you all have in the neighborhood? The new jail,district court and sheriff department will be a nice compliment to the neighborhood and will look much better then the current jail. You can have this blog but most of the county residents will be in favor for it and your voice will be quiet. Your garden is an excuse you use as a crutch to complain more about how the county is ruining it with the construction of the jail. You're on borrowed land people and the county is letting you use it as a good neighbor. So go cry in your milk and sulk because the jail is going to be built on that site...

  2. the jail is not going to be a regional jail. if you are against the jail that is fine; however that does not give you an excuse to post false statements. I hope any debate is rational and based on facts.

  3. The jail becomes a regional jail when beds are rented out. The Justice Center Source Book notes on pg 5 that "it is possible, if not likely, that other counties would be interested in boarding inmates in the new jail as space is available". The proposed size is too large. The consultants looked at past jail and work camp data (combined) to estimate future need for jail and work camp combined. They projected a need for 62 inmates (Average Daily Population - ADP) in 25 years. Using a factor of 1.25 to account for issues like classification (gender/special needs), peaking use, and maintenance - they estimate a need for 80 beds. What is the justification to build beyond 80 beds? The committee notes they have room to expand if their projections are low. The consultant report can be found at http://www.upcap.org/programs_services/jail.html Houghton County is Appendix G the 62 bed ADP is made on page G-15. The calculating of Bed needs and the 1.25 factor is on page G-17. Building beyond 80 beds can only be justified by speculating what the Michigan Legislature might do in the future with respect to admitting inmates to the state system or fears that the state will be releasing inmates that will find their way to Houghton County and end up in our jail.

  4. I do not live near the proposed jail or garden there. I am a proud citizen of Houghton that thinks that a large new jail in Central Houghton is bad for the city. For sure it will have a negative effect on local property values but I think it will also have a negative effect on downtown too since the proposed project will be visible from downtown. If this project is built - you will be able to stand on Sheldon Ave downtown and look up Pewabic street and see a big new jail. What a terrible image for the city of Houghton.

  5. i see you are now removing comments which do not agree with your position. This shows no class. If you are against the jail that is one thing; if you are going to out and out lie about the facts and supress opposing viewpoints that is disgraceful. The jail is not going to be a regional facility. Any statement that it will be is a fairy tale.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. We apologize for the loss of all comments (pro and con). It happened when we moved the blog to a more neutral URL - www.HoughtonCountyJusticeCenter.com.

    You can still access it at www.GardensNotGuardTowers.blogspot.com.

    Where do we lie about the facts? We have a lot of confidence in the Houghton County Voters. We believe that when presented with the facts, they will vote the right way.

  8. Gardens not guard towers. What a ridiculous statement. The garden is squatting on County property. You knew full well when you planted your first seed that your time there was limited. Your attempts to build the garden bigger to bolster public sympathy is pathetic. READ THE FACTS ABOUT THE JAIL. The jail has been in it's current location for many many years. It needs to be in the county seat and it needs to be near the court. It's Houghton County property and absolutely the right spot for a jail. It's needed and will come one day or another whether you like it or not. Pay 15 million today or 30 million tomorrow. Didn't the county say they would move the garden for you free of charge and let you continue squatting on county property further to the east? If I were a commissioner I would call the bulldozer, plow it all under and have you all arrested for trespassing and lodged in the new jail.... and make you eat meat.

  9. For your information the real cost today is really $30 million now. $15 million in bonds and $15 million in interest over the 30 year life of the bond. This is a $30 million project. Also, as Commissioner Scott Ala noted when he voted no, that an additional levy will be required for this plan to cover the increased operating costs.

    The vast majority of Houghton County residents opposed to this project are not affiliated with the Pewabic St gardens (including me). That is why we moved the blog to a more neutral site. BTW, I am definitely a carnivore too. You are right that the garden will be moved if this is approved, so I do not consider that to be an issue in this debate.

    As for the location, the current jail is a low profile building that few people see. The proposed new jail will be big and visible from downtown. It would be a bad image for the city of Houghton.

    I have read the facts on the project including the recent "Sourcebook", the 1998 report by the National Institute of Corrections on Houghton County, the 2001 study by Venture Architects, and the 2010 report by CRS - "UP Regional Jail Study Reports" (Houghton County is Appx G). All of these reports and studies will soon appear on this blog. I would be happy to debate the facts of this project.

    The bottom line is that there are other options to putting a big new jail in downtown that should (and will eventually) be considered fully. This issue will not go away when Houghton County voters vote NO on the current proposal Nov 2.

    Even Sheriff McCean said that he prefers moving the entire Houghton County Complex (including the jail) to the outskirts of town. I like that idea too. Maybe someplace like the CC Mall with lots of parking and easy access. You could move all of the County operations there including the Road Commission. The city could work out an arrangement with Portage Township to make it part of the County seat.

  10. I like the idea of using the disfuctional mall!!!

  11. Thanks for the information George. I've added the Appx G UPCAP report to the main page of the blog as well as updated the link in on the history page. It takes an open and well-informed mind to see the larger picture here. It is frustrating and disheartening to read comments posted anonymously and unprofessionally. This is a serious issue that will affect Houghton county residents as a whole for many years to come. We need to ask ourselves the questions: is this the right location? have we explored all options? is this fiscally responsible? etc.

