Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ask yourself

Lots of buzz this morning, and interesting comments on the TV6 website.

Things to keep in mind as people get passionate.

The issue is clearly not about a garden - though its admittedly ironic in a way and makes a good contrast. As you are learning about the project, and gathering information to form an unbiased opinion, please ask yourself these basic questions about the larger, critical issue here.
  • Is this the right location?
  • Is it the proper scale of magnitude?
  • What are the long-term advantages?
  • Is the long-term impact positive or negative?
  • Have we explored all the options?
  • Is this fiscally responsible?
  • Who benefits from the project?
  • Is the scope of the proposed Justice Center inline with our way of life?
  • What impact (positive or negative) will this have on Downtown Houghton and the surrounding neighborhoods?
  • Is a complex of this size going to be sustainable in the future?
  • Have we gone through 'due diligence' in the studies?
Ask yourself these questions and find the answers. Hopefully this blog can help provide resources.

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