Wednesday, November 3, 2010

We won, so now what?

Concerned Citizens,

Houghton County voters by a 3-1 margin rejected the Justice Center bond proposal yesterday (unofficially, 8,926 NO votes to 3,144 yes votes).  Thank you for your vote, and thank you for all your effort talking to friends, attending meetings, writing letters, and displaying yard signs.  Your efforts made a big difference. 

While getting a solid NO vote on this issue was essential, the hard part now is to stay involved and to find a better solution that a majority of HoCo voters will support.  

I am convinced that a majority of HoCo voters believe that the need to do something is real but the proposed "Justice Center" solution was wrong.

What can you do now?  

  • Please save your VOTE NO signs.  We will soon try to collect them for possible use next time
    (the wire frame can be reused for next time)
  • Attend Houghton County Commissioners meetings to speak out for more positive alternatives
    (next meeting is Tuesday Nov 9, 5 pm at the Courthouse).
  • Attend Houghton City Council meetings to get them more involved
    (next City Council meeting is Monday Nov 8, 6:30pm City Center).
  • Attend Houghton City Planning Commission meetings to get them involved
    (next Planning Commission meeting is Tuesday Nov 23, 5:30pm City Center).
Thank You!

- George Dewey

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