Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Houghton Co. Commissioners mtg - Nov 9, 5PM Courthouse

Concerned Citizens,

One week ago, Houghton County voters said NO to the Justice Center.  Tonight, the Houghton County Commissioners will meet for the first time post election.  I do expect they will discuss the election results and hopefully decide how to move forward on this issue.  I plan to be there, and it would be great if you could also be there.  There are opportunities to speak before the Commissioners at the very beginning and end of the meeting. 

I do believe that Houghton County has a real need to improve our County Government facilities.  The real challenge moving forward is to develop a solution to these needs that will find broad community support.  I believe the only way to gain this community support is for the Commissioners to actively involve the community in the process of developing solutions.  We need people who are willing to get involved and help do the hard work of exploring the options.  Please take the time to get involved. 

Houghton County Commissioners meeting - tonight Nov 9, 5PM HoCo Courthouse, top floor.  

- George Dewey 

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