Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Justice Center - voted down in landslide

It appears to be official:

Justice Center voted down

November 2, 2010
HOUGHTON - The proposition for a new Justice Center in Houghton County was soundly defeated Tuesday night.

With nearly 74 percent of the vote and 8,926 votes, those voting "no" overwhelmed the 3,144 "yes" votes - 26 percent of the total vote.

For a full article about the proposition being voted down, see Wednesday's edition of The Daily Mining Gazette.

Daily Mining Gazette story - Nov 2nd


A resounding ‘no’ on Justice Center

November 3, 2010 - By GARRETT NEESE, DMG Writer
HOUGHTON - Voters rejected the proposed Houghton County Justice Center by a nearly three-to-one margin Tuesday night in the county's most contentious ballot issue.

Eight thousand nine hundred twenty-six voters, or 74 percent, voted against the proposal, compared to 3,144 (26 percent) for it. The proposal would have authorized up to $15 million in bonds for as long as 30 years to build a combination jail, sheriff's department and district court on county-owned land across the street from the courthouse.

"The committee suggested a resolution to the problem and obviously it was not accepted," said Sheriff Brian McLean. "We'll continue to remain positive and hopefully something will resolve itself in the future."

McLean said the county would continue to seek a long-term, cost-effective solution.
"We'll remain vigilant on the topic, and we'll stay with our top priorities," he said. "We'll have to solve it one piece at a time. We'll look for the cooperation of the commissioners and the public."

Daily Mining Gazette story - Nov 3rd

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