Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ask yourself

Lots of buzz this morning, and interesting comments on the TV6 website.

Things to keep in mind as people get passionate.

The issue is clearly not about a garden - though its admittedly ironic in a way and makes a good contrast. As you are learning about the project, and gathering information to form an unbiased opinion, please ask yourself these basic questions about the larger, critical issue here.
  • Is this the right location?
  • Is it the proper scale of magnitude?
  • What are the long-term advantages?
  • Is the long-term impact positive or negative?
  • Have we explored all the options?
  • Is this fiscally responsible?
  • Who benefits from the project?
  • Is the scope of the proposed Justice Center inline with our way of life?
  • What impact (positive or negative) will this have on Downtown Houghton and the surrounding neighborhoods?
  • Is a complex of this size going to be sustainable in the future?
  • Have we gone through 'due diligence' in the studies?
Ask yourself these questions and find the answers. Hopefully this blog can help provide resources.

Houghton City Council - action needed

The Houghton City Council has been asked to take a position on whether they want a regional jail in the center of town. I hope they see the importance of this issue and take a stand against it. If you think this is an important issue, you should talk to your City Council representative. Don't assume someone else will do it.

Channel 6 coverage of the June 28 Houghton City Council meeting can be found at:

'Justice Center still facing opposition' - TV6

Justice Center still facing opposition: "Opponents of the proposed Houghton County Justice Center which would include a new jail and sheriff's department facility say they won't give up their fight until the issue is resolved"

See the video.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Another shot of the old HS from what today are the community gardens
Also from the Tech Archives http://digarch.lib.mtu.edu/

Old photo of the Houghton High School and Courthouse site from the Michigan Tech Archives
http://digarch.lib.mtu.edu/ Anyone else have good photos of this site

Justice Center - proposed site

Proposed site for the Justice Center - just west of current courthouse / sheriff office / jail complex - current site of the Houghton Community Garden


Houghton Derserves better than this

Houghton County voters said no to a much smaller jail project on this site in 2000. It is hard to believe that the Commissioners didn't get the message then! Now we have what appears to be the makings of a much bigger regional jail (with plans for expansion) in the heart of the city. They have given it a new nice sounding name - the Justice Center, but don't let the name fool you.

Houghton County Jail update

This is an update of efforts to oppose the new Houghton County Jail complex in central Houghton June 24 meeting outcome - 11 people in attendance.  These were the highlights of our meeting:

1) “Gardens not Guard Towers” was suggested for a slogan for this effort

2) The Houghton City Council meets this Monday June 28 at 6:30 pm (note this new meeting time).  Ask the Houghton City Council to take a position on proposed new jail site in central Houghton. There is an open comment period at each meeting where the jail issue will be raised.  A good turn out will deliver a strong message – Please attend this important meeting and bring others!

3) Houghton High Alumni Park?  We are contacting the Houghton High School Alumni Association to see if they have an interest in helping secure the site of the old High School for a park. Several people have already come forward and offered to donate money to support this effort. 

4) Publicity is essential.  It was recommended that we try to get as much press as we can. Write a Letter to the Editor to express your opinion.  Also, Channel 6 has been good about covering this new jail complex issue.  We are contacting the Gazette, The Pilgrim, Keweenaw Now, and the Spectator.  Also we are trying to get an online poll in the Mining Gazette about this issue asking: “Should the Houghton County Board of Commissioners ask voters to approve a 1.3 mil levy to fund the construction of a $15 million Jail, District Court, and Sheriff’s office complex in central Houghton?”.  

5) Petition Drive – Both online and paper petitions, a facebook page, and a blog will be available shortly.  We will notify everyone when they are available.  

6) Compromise Alternatives were discussed and many feel that the County should more seriously consider alternatives that do not include a large jail in central Houghton.  Reasonable alternatives have been suggested that include separating the Sheriff’s Office and District Court from the Jail facilities. There is significant community opposition to a large Jail complex with plans for future expansion in central Houghton. 

7) Important Dates – Mark your calendars.  

  • Monday June 28 – 6:30 PM  Houghton City Council meeting (new meeting time) in the City Council Chambers in the City Center, 616 Shelden Avenue, downtown Houghton.
  • Monday July 12 – 6:30  Houghton City Council meeting 
  • Tuesday July 13 – 5 PM  Houghton County Commissioners meeting in the County Commissions Chambers on the 5th Floor of the Courthouse.  
8) How you can Make a Difference!
  • Contact your Houghton County Commissioner:
  • Ed Jenich – 337-2431 representing Calumet Township
  • Dennis Barrette – 482-6206 representing Franklin, Hancock, Osceola, Schoolcraft, and Torch Lake Townships
  • Anton Pintar – 482-3088 representing Adams, Hancock, Quincy Townships.
  • Scott Ala – 483-0103 representing Houghton City
  • Paul Luoma – 482-4873 representing Chassel, Duncon, Elm River, Laird, Portage, and Stanton Townships
Attend public meetings on this issue – there is strength in numbers!
Write a Letter to the Editor!
Talk to People about this issue!

- George Dewey

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Houghton County Jail - a memo

Houghton County Voter,

You are receiving this email because we believe that you may have an interest in opposing the new jail that is being proposed for the old Houghton High School site in central Houghton.  I am interested in communicating with other citizens of Houghton County who are opposed to having a new jail build in central Houghton next to downtown. This memo will offer a few details of the current situation, some references to other material on the web, and most importantly suggest a meeting this Thursday evening of interested parties to start planning a strategy to oppose this project. Please pass the word to others that may be interested. Word of mouth will be important to this effort.

As you likely know, the Houghton County Commissioners created a committee in 2009 to develop a proposal for a new jail facility in Houghton. That committee made a presentation of their recommendation to the Commissioners at their June meeting. Not surprisingly, they are again (as in 1999/2000) recommending that the new jail be constructed next to the old Courthouse. You may recall that Houghton County voters voted down a similar proposal in 2000. At that time the County was proposing a $2 million project consisting of a new jail and sheriff’s office on the same site. The County has learned a lot from their defeat in 2000 and have put forth a much more polished effort this time including a new name (Justice Center) and have included a new District Court in the proposed building. The estimated cost of the new jail is now $15 million.

While I am reasonably convinced that Houghton County has a need for additional (and updated) jail space, sheriffs office, and district court, I am strongly opposed to seeing a new large (with room for expansion) jail build in central Houghton. There are other reasonable options to what has been proposed. My hope is that a strong show of opposition to this project can affect the final outcome.

I would like to get together with other people interested in being involved in the effort to stop this project. I would like to meet at the proposed building site this Thursday June 24 at 7pm. Just west of
the community gardens. I know it is short notice but time is of the essence. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets to sit on and lets have an initial meeting to start this process.

Some key dates where we need representation include the Houghton City Council meeting on Monday June 28 at 5:30 City Center. I have a meeting tomorrow morning with City Manager Scott MacInnes, but there is a public comment period at the beginning of each Council meeting and I intend to state my opposition to this project then – others are welcome to do the same. I would like to see the Council take a position on this project. The key Houghton County Commissioners meeting is July 13 at 5pm 5th floor Courthouse. The Commissioners will vote to put the project on the November ballot. Please talk to your representative before then and come to the meeting if you can. Invite all your friends too. A strong show of opposition is important. The geographic areas each County Commissioner represents can be found at http://www.houghtoncounty.net/commissioners.shtml

Some local reporting of recent meetings concerning this project can be found at the following sites:

Daily Mining Gazette articles

Camp Kitwen not feasible - http://mininggazette.com/page/content.detail/id/506598.html

Committee meeting with area residents http://mininggazette.com/page/content.detail/id/510024.html

Committee presentation to Commissioners http://mininggazette.com/page/content.detail/id/510485.html

Channel 6 reporting



You can find a copy of the committee’s presentation to the Commission and a copy of their “Sourcebook” on the home page of the Houghton County web site http://www.houghtoncounty.net/

The committee took much of their background material from a 2008 study done by UPCAP (not sure what UPCAP stands for?) on UP County jails. You can find their report at http://www.digital-community.com/demo/upcap.org/programs_services/jail.htmlPHPSESSID=84d40dc93c904b500ff880bfc4982038

It is clear that resources on the UPCAP site have been used by the study committee in their process, background, and presentation. Houghton County info is in appendix G – a must read for anyone really
interested in this effort.

- George Dewey